Nutrition &Health
Role modelling for healthy living
Our thoughtfully designed menus consider advice provided by The Healthy Eating Advisory Service (HEAS), which is funded by the Victorian Government and delivered by Nutrition Australia Vic Division. Their aim is to ‘inspire healthy eating’ in early childhood services through information, education and consultation services.
Our nutritious meals are prepared daily on the premises by our own cook using fresh ingredients, including plenty of fruit and vegetables, from a kitchen where hygiene and food safety is paramount.
We also cater for individual children’s specific dietary requirements, allergies and intolerances.
Children are provided with the following daily:
• breakfast
• morning tea
• lunch
• afternoon tea
• late afternoon snack.
Milk is available at morning tea and water is available for children throughout the day and with every meal.
To encourage the fussiest of eaters to try the fruits and vegetables on our menus, we engage children to help with the care of the vegetables growing in our herb and vegie patch. Children are also invited to assist educators with disposing vegetable scraps into our compost bin and worm farm – all for recycling back into our vegetable garden.
Educators role model correct and healthy eating habits by joining in mealtimes alongside the children.
First Aid and SunSmart
All team members participate in regular first aid training and are qualified to manage medical conditions such as anaphylaxis and asthma.
We are also a ‘SunSmart’ service and ensure that children are protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays when the rating is 3 or above. We achieve protection from the sun via:
• sunhats
• applying sunscreen
• using shaded areas where possible.